Release Notes - Debezium - Version 0.3 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [DBZ-2] - Ingest change data from MongoDB databases


  • [DBZ-71] - MySQL driver missing from MySQL connector plugin ZIP file
  • [DBZ-72] - Incorrect name of Kafka Schema for values, doesn't match schema for keys
  • [DBZ-73] - Debezium may lose some multi-row events if failure happens at exactly the wrong time
  • [DBZ-76] - MySQL `source` field in change events has binlog position for next event
  • [DBZ-77] - Shutdown right after snapshot complete fails to mark offset with completed snapshot
  • [DBZ-82] - Enabling GTIDs (optional)
  • [DBZ-83] - Errors parsing MySQL DDL generated from liquibase
  • [DBZ-84] - Use MySql data type TINYINT
  • [DBZ-85] - MySQL temporal values represented incorrectly
  • [DBZ-86] - Connectors can generate Schema names that are invalid in Avro
  • [DBZ-87] - MySQL TINYINT and SMALLINT columns should be mapped as INT16 rather than INT32
  • [DBZ-91] - Define practical way to deal with temporal values
  • [DBZ-94] - Out of Memory when taking snapshot of large table
  • [DBZ-100] - MySQL ENUM and SET are not handled properly


  • [DBZ-62] - Upgrade to Kafka 0.10
  • [DBZ-79] - Remove excess methods from GtidSet
  • [DBZ-80] - NoSuchMethodError KafkaConsumer.subscribe(Ljava/util/List;) with kafka 0.10
  • [DBZ-96] - MySql connector integration tests should be independent from each other


  • [DBZ-89] - Extract base Docker image for Kafka Connect with no connectors
  • [DBZ-92] - Add more verbose logging during MySQL snapshots
  • [DBZ-95] - MySQL connector should tolerate 'null' values for the binlog filename in certain cases
  • [DBZ-97] - The MySQL connector should send DDL statements as separate events during snapshoting

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