Release Notes - JBeret - Version 1.3.0.Beta7 - HTML format


  • [JBERET-327] - Implement vertx verticle to perform common batch client operations
  • [JBERET-329] - Implement Vert.x CLI/Shell for accessing batch job info
  • [JBERET-331] - Batch job execution in clustered vert.x nodes
  • [JBERET-333] - Add test app for remote chunk execution across vert.x nodes
  • [JBERET-337] - Implement ServletContextListener to support distributed/clustered partition
  • [JBERET-338] - Implement EJB MDB to support distributed/clustered partition
  • [JBERET-339] - Add sample app for jberet-wildfly-cluster-servlet
  • [JBERET-340] - Add sample app for jberet-wildfly-cluster-ejb
  • [JBERET-353] - Implement JBeret REST API based on Vert.x

Feature Request

  • [JBERET-335] - add job execution id to org.jberet.runtime.JobStopNotificationListener#stopRequested
  • [JBERET-336] - Implement jberet extension to support distributed/clustered partition in WildFly


  • [JBERET-148] - ChunkListener.onError() method not invoked before retry rollback
  • [JBERET-343] - All ArtifactFactory's are wrapped in a ArtifactFactoryWrapper which doesn't allow overriding destroy
  • [JBERET-350] - Wrong length calculation for an i18n string in JDBC repository schema
  • [JBERET-351] - Step metrics WRITE_COUNT does not correctly reflect the number of items to be written
  • [JBERET-357] - Incorrect ParseDate CSV cell processor value in tests reading movies data
  • [JBERET-362] - null JobExecutionEntity is included in the result when getting all sibling job executions belonging to the same job instance
  • [JBERET-363] - JdbcItemReader->Writer fail after upgrage 1.1.0.Final to 1.3.0.Beta6
  • [JBERET-364] - JdbcItemReader restart from the wrong checkpoint position


  • [JBERET-332] - Implement ThreadPartitionHandler as the default PartitionHandler
  • [JBERET-334] - Stop remote partition execution in a remote node
  • [JBERET-355] - Create a sample demo batch application deployed and run in OpenShift
  • [JBERET-359] - Create a test app for JBeret Vert.x REST API


  • [JBERET-341] - Add stop operation to BatchClient class in jberet-rest-api
  • [JBERET-348] - Add license element to project root pom.xml
  • [JBERET-354] - Access environment variables from JSL job xml
  • [JBERET-360] - Split jberet-rest-api module into jberet-rest-commons and jberet-rest-api modules
  • [JBERET-361] - Add logging to
  • [JBERET-368] - Add delete operation to schedules REST resource

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