Release Notes - JBeret - Version 1.3.0.Beta3 - HTML format


  • [JBERET-243] - Implement Apache Camel ItemReader
  • [JBERET-244] - Implement Apache Camel ItemWriter
  • [JBERET-245] - Implement Apache Camel ItemProcessor
  • [JBERET-246] - Implement Apache Camel component to start a batch job
  • [JBERET-247] - Add sample application for JBeret Camel components
  • [JBERET-250] - Implement JobListener that connects to Apache Camel endpoint
  • [JBERET-251] - Implement StepListener that connects to Apache Camel endpoint
  • [JBERET-252] - Implement chunk listeners that connects to Apache Camel endpoint

Feature Request


  • [JBERET-240] - jberet-se failed to work with weld-se version later than 2.3.0.Beta3
  • [JBERET-241] - failed with netty version 4.0.28 or later
  • [JBERET-242] - Support ActiveMQ Artemis Item Reader and Writers as a Migration Path off HornetQ
  • [JBERET-248] - NullPointerException when using artifacts with default-package
  • [JBERET-253] - jdbcItemReader on db2: Invalid operation: result set is closed. ERRORCODE=-4470, SQLSTATE=null
  • [JBERET-254] - jdbcItemReader on DB2: this method should only be called on ResultSet objects that are scrollable (type TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE or TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE
  • [JBERET-257] - AbstractMethodError: org.apache.qpid.jms.JmsConnection.createSession()Ljavax/jms/Session;


  • [JBERET-256] - Support custom restart step/position

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