Release Notes - JBeret - Version 1.1.0.Beta1 - HTML format


  • [JBERET-129] - Implement ways to purge InMemoryRepository
  • [JBERET-130] - Implement ways to purge JdbcRepository


  • [JBERET-120] - Certain tests use US dates and fail when running in non-US locale
  • [JBERET-122] - Item not skipped after skippable exception in ItemWriter
  • [JBERET-123] - jberet-postgresql.ddl should use BIGSERIAL instead of SERIAL
  • [JBERET-127] - Skip should be counted by occurrence of exceptions not by number of items
  • [JBERET-128] - ROLLBACK_COUNT not incremented for retryable exceptions from reader or processor
  • [JBERET-133] - Distinguish between NoSuchJobException and 0 JobInstance of an existing job
  • [JBERET-135] - Need to throw NoSuchJobExecutionException when an invalid execution id is passed in
  • [JBERET-136] - JobOperatorImpl.getJobExecutions method needs to throw NoSuchJobInstanceException when invalid job instance is passed in


  • [JBERET-99] - Add a way to delete/purge job repository artifacts
  • [JBERET-132] - Add constraint name for foreign keys and CASCADE DELETE in job repository DDL

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