Release Notes - apiman (API Management) - Version 1.1.5.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [APIMAN-523] - Allow custom component impls loaded from sources other than the WAR
  • [APIMAN-546] - Create a micro-service for the API Manager
  • [APIMAN-547] - Create a micro-service for the API Gateway


  • [APIMAN-448] - ApiManagerDS uses JNDI which violates WF naming conventions
  • [APIMAN-451] - DDL scripts for PostgreSQL and MySQL are outdated
  • [APIMAN-518] - Add workaround for locale issue in ESMetricsAccessorTest
  • [APIMAN-527] - Can't 'Add Policy' for schema-generated plugin policies
  • [APIMAN-529] - Can click save on Service implementation tab before selecting 'API Type'
  • [APIMAN-530] - Quickstarts could use a bit of cleanup
  • [APIMAN-534] - Possible ds connection leaks
  • [APIMAN-543] - Cannot switch between policies if they are both schema based
  • [APIMAN-549] - Can't add a plugin when using postgres
  • [APIMAN-552] - Record 'user' as part of each request metric
  • [APIMAN-555] - Hibernate configuration in is ignored



  • [APIMAN-464] - API Manager RESTful api root should return something
  • [APIMAN-522] - Allow custom impls of manager components in WarCdiFactory
  • [APIMAN-525] - Add protocol support to the ES config info in
  • [APIMAN-548] - Move JNDI location of DS and specify it via instead of in the persistence.xml

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