Release Notes - apiman (API Management) - Version 1.1.3.Final - HTML format


  • [APIMAN-400] - Create unique ID for elements in Manage Users page
  • [APIMAN-420] - Create unique ID for elements in New Plan page
  • [APIMAN-435] - Offer TLS mutual authentication between gateway and services (aka. 2-way, client authenticating)
  • [APIMAN-436] - BASIC auth over TLS between gateway and service
  • [APIMAN-437] - Implement concept of endpoint properties in api manager

Feature Request

  • [APIMAN-345] - Gateway to service mutual authentication
  • [APIMAN-431] - Integrate swagger-ui into the API Manager UI (service consumer pages)


  • [APIMAN-170] - Better server-side logging
  • [APIMAN-301] - For a basic authentication policy, the API Management UI displays the passwords in clear text
  • [APIMAN-302] - For a basic authentication policy, and using the default H2 database, the passwords are written to the DB in clear text
  • [APIMAN-419] - Authentication Policy: need to follow LDAP referrals
  • [APIMAN-434] - Style clash with openshift
  • [APIMAN-439] - Permissions directive conflicting with status directive
  • [APIMAN-441] - Data encryption is broken when services are cloned
  • [APIMAN-442] - Retire button showing (and active) in service creation page before publishing
  • [APIMAN-456] - apiman UI hawtio plugin cannot be minified


  • [APIMAN-433] - Encrypt data in runtime engine Registry before storing


  • [APIMAN-292] - Unit testing framework for testing plugins
  • [APIMAN-405] - Encrypt all policy configuration in API Manager
  • [APIMAN-422] - Authorization Policy - needs option to fail/succeed if request doesn't match any rules
  • [APIMAN-432] - Encrypt endpoint properties in the storage layer

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