Release Notes - Aesh - Version 0.41 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [AESH-32] - Make APIs which read/write from/to files use Input/OutputStreams and Readers/Writers instead of File/String
  • [AESH-125] - AeshConsole should accept a CommandRegistry that handles adding/removing commands
  • [AESH-131] - Options need a way to be validated
  • [AESH-132] - Semi-colon must be properly parsed as an end of operation


  • [AESH-122] - Parser do not spilt words that contains escaped spaces correctly
  • [AESH-127] - Parser should properly detect if the last values are part of an OptionList


  • [AESH-116] - Remove Terminal.writeToStdOut(..)
  • [AESH-121] - Command line parser should avoid throwing exceptions and instead store status in the return object
  • [AESH-123] - Console should provide an object where commands can fetch redirect in/error


  • [AESH-117] - CL Parser need a simpler static method to parse and populate
  • [AESH-118] - Simplify CompleterData and standarize offset better
  • [AESH-119] - Completion parser need to chill down
  • [AESH-120] - AeshConsole should support attaching ConsoleCommands to Console
  • [AESH-124] - Command.execute() also need to be passed a ControlOperator object
  • [AESH-126] - It should be possible to add commands created with CommandBuilder to CommandRegistry
  • [AESH-130] - CommandLineParser should be able to parse short names grouped together

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