Release Notes - Forge - Version 2.16.0.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [FORGE-1610] - Introduce an Update addon
  • [FORGE-2268] - allow wizards in the CLI to let the user configure non-required inputs
  • [FORGE-2296] - Forge - Shell in CLI interactive mode, show * for required option and ? for optional


  • [FORGE-2298] - AddonGitBuildAndInstallCommand does not use the Forge version
  • [FORGE-2299] - No such child when doing a --targetClass
  • [FORGE-2300] - When using "JPA: New Entity" it's not possible to choose a package, it's always "model"
  • [FORGE-2302] - Cat -c always chops the last line

Component Upgrade

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