Release Notes - Weld - Version 3.0.0.Alpha7 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [WELD-1898] - Add overview dependency graph


  • [WELD-1874] - @Initialized and @Destroyed event are not fired if a portable extension is used in an app
  • [WELD-1880] - SessionBeanInterceptor.isRequestContextActive() check does not count with custom contexts
  • [WELD-1886] - Probe classes should be transparent and not show up in stereotypes or interceptors
  • [WELD-1887] - BeanIdentifierIndex inconsistent false possitive
  • [WELD-1894] - @Disposes method called twice for same dependent instance
  • [WELD-1904] - BootstrapConfiguration options never considered by Weld
  • [WELD-1906] - NPE in clustered setup
  • [WELD-1907] - LazyHttpConversationContextImpl - always reset initialized flag during context association/activation


  • [WELD-1888] - Provide more debug information on BeanIdentifierIndex inconsistency
  • [WELD-1891] - Add configuration option to disable BeanIdentifierIndex
  • [WELD-1896] - Improve ConversationLogger.unableToLoadCurrentConversations() message

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