Release Notes - Weld - Version 2.2.10.Final - HTML format


  • [WELD-1832] - org.jboss.weld.environment.deployment.WeldDeployment.loadBeanDeploymentArchive() does not follow the API contract
  • [WELD-1841] - examples/lib should be removed
  • [WELD-1842] - Namespace validation misses certain cases
  • [WELD-1843] - BeanDeploymentArchive id may not be consistent between multiple occurrences of the deployment
  • [WELD-1852] - Invalid warning WELD-ENV-001004
  • [WELD-1857] - Weld bundle should export package
  • [WELD-1858] - Weld bundle is missing Specification-Version
  • [WELD-1874] - @Initialized and @Destroyed event are not fired if a portable extension is used in an app
  • [WELD-1877] - WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/beans.xml not properly ignored if WEB-INF/beans.xml exists
  • [WELD-1880] - SessionBeanInterceptor.isRequestContextActive() check does not count with custom contexts
  • [WELD-1884] - Weld fires in some cases ProcessBeanAttributes and ProcessBean events also for anonymous class
  • [WELD-1887] - BeanIdentifierIndex inconsistent false possitive
  • [WELD-1894] - @Disposes method called twice for same dependent instance


  • [WELD-1803] - [2.2] Revisit configuration
  • [WELD-1810] - @Dependent @Stateful session beans are shared between injection points
  • [WELD-1822] - [2.2] Backport WELD-1820, WELD-1819
  • [WELD-1833] - [2.2] Backport WELD-862
  • [WELD-1838] - Revise the use of reflection
  • [WELD-1845] - Weld should be tolerant if there is no @Intercepted bean metadata available
  • [WELD-1889] - [2.2] Backport WELD-1792
  • [WELD-1899] - OSGi bundle - ensure GlassFish 4 compatibility


  • [WELD-1826] - Make sure Weld SE works fine in a fat jar
  • [WELD-1888] - Provide more debug information on BeanIdentifierIndex inconsistency
  • [WELD-1891] - Add configuration option to disable BeanIdentifierIndex
  • [WELD-1896] - Improve ConversationLogger.unableToLoadCurrentConversations() message

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