Release Notes - Weld - Version 3.0.0.Alpha4 - HTML format


  • [WELD-1805] - WeldApplication implemetation leads to NullPointerException on JSF 2.2
  • [WELD-1808] - EnhancedListener should not shutdown Weld if org.jboss.weld.environment.servlet.Listener is registered
  • [WELD-1812] - Use of RequestScopedCache for removing InterceptionDecorationContext is causing problems
  • [WELD-1823] - CDI1.2 section 6.5.3 a null value should be returned for the injection point if it is not being injected into any injection point.
  • [WELD-1827] - Proxy creation fails for a @Named bean when a superclass does not have a no-arg constructor
  • [WELD-1828] - Weld doesn't work on ibm JDK
  • [WELD-1829] - Classloading bug in
  • [WELD-1830] - AbstractCDI should consider javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Unmanaged
  • [WELD-1831] - BeanAttributesFactory should ignore illegal bean types
  • [WELD-1832] - org.jboss.weld.environment.deployment.WeldDeployment.loadBeanDeploymentArchive() does not follow the API contract
  • [WELD-1834] - Proxy creation fails when a superclass does not have a no-arg constructor
  • [WELD-1837] - Weld SE does not support empty beans.xml files
  • [WELD-1841] - examples/lib should be removed
  • [WELD-1842] - Namespace validation misses certain cases


  • [WELD-1790] - Optimized client proxies for @ApplicationScoped beans
  • [WELD-1794] - Integrate cdi-probe
  • [WELD-1810] - @Dependent @Stateful session beans are shared between injection points
  • [WELD-1838] - Revise the use of reflection
  • [WELD-1845] - Weld should be tolerant if there is no @Intercepted bean metadata available


  • [WELD-862] - Interceptors not threadsafe
  • [WELD-1816] - Speed up construction of simple beans
  • [WELD-1818] - Detect when BeanIdentifierIndexes differ in a cluster
  • [WELD-1819] - Apply InterceptionDecorationContext optimizations to all ThreadLocalStackServices
  • [WELD-1820] - Generalize client proxy optimizations to all contextual instances

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