Release Notes - Weld - Version 3.0.0.Alpha3 - HTML format


  • [WELD-1774] - "Conversation already active" problem on tomcat when asynchronous processing
  • [WELD-1800] - Osgi paint example does not work
  • [WELD-1802] - Undertow - Weld integration issue causing threads to have invalid state


  • [WELD-1787] - Improve event dispatching performance
  • [WELD-1788] - Create a test for asyc Servlet processing
  • [WELD-1791] - Revisit configuration
  • [WELD-1793] - Implement Event.fireAsync
  • [WELD-1801] - Make it possible to test system properties configuration during integration test run
  • [WELD-1807] - Consider using ForkJoinPool.commonPool() as the default executor service

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