Release Notes - Arquillian - Version 1.0.0.CR7 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [ARQ-284] - Configuration options should be loadable from multiple sources
  • [ARQ-533] - Support Qualifiers on @ArquillianResource in ResourceProvider's SPI
  • [ARQ-645] - @ArquillianResource @OperatesOnDeployment("foo") URL; for multiple containers
  • [ARQ-677] - Expose Deployment as part of TestDeployment so SPIs can access more information, e.g. Container
  • [ARQ-692] - Update to jboss-parent:8 Contains 1.5/1.6 source level IDE issue


  • [ARQ-678] - ExceptionProxy - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/util/id/SerialVersion
  • [ARQ-699] - @ArquillianResource Deployer gets injected only for the first test when using manual deployment/container modes


  • [ARQ-703] - Prepare CR7 Core release

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