Release Notes - Arquillian - Version drone_1.0.0.CR3 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [ARQ-667] - Add AS7 container profiles


  • [ARQ-444] - MethodContext is not correctly free'd
  • [ARQ-610] - Method enrichment does not check for a validity of driver
  • [ARQ-611] - If Drone extension is on classpath but not used, destroying drone instance will lead to failure
  • [ARQ-631] - The implementationClass property is ignored when using WebDriver interface as type of selenium instance in tests


  • [ARQ-669] - Update Arquillian Drone build


  • [ARQ-671] - Prepare Drone 1.0.0.CR3

Component Upgrade

  • [ARQ-665] - Update Selenium version to 2.13.0


  • [ARQ-577] - Enhance exception messages for cases where Drone instances cannot be destroyed because no context was created
  • [ARQ-666] - Redesign WebDriver browser configuration

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