Release Notes - Arquillian - Version 1.0.0.CR1 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [ARQ-320] - ServiceLoader should honor vetoed SPI implementations
  • [ARQ-395] - Create a better exception message when no DeployableContainer is found in ConainerRegistry
  • [ARQ-404] - Better reporting when Arquillian fails to initialise
  • [ARQ-406] - Can you please publish JavaDoc jars for Arquillian and Shrinkwrap in Maven Repo?
  • [ARQ-422] - Rename static field Arquillian.caughtTestException so it doesn't show in auto-complete
  • [ARQ-460] - implementing of maxTestClassesBeforeRestart property for arquillian.xml
  • [ARQ-465] - Add suport for bundle start level
  • [ARQ-466] - Add support for injected PackageAdmin
  • [ARQ-475] - Track ShrinkWrap Beta-3 release
  • [ARQ-479] - TestEnrichers are executed in random order, log instead of throw exception on unhandled injection points


  • [ARQ-314] - CDIInjectionEnricher does not release the creationalContext
  • [ARQ-425] - config parser code not in sync with schema
  • [ARQ-455] - Wrong resource lookup prefix
  • [ARQ-456] - Client side SPIs are found InContainer when running Embedded
  • [ARQ-469] - ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to [B
  • [ARQ-477] - Arquillian-BOM expose Arquillian Core Test deps, e.g. junit


  • [ARQ-26] - Create a archive repository service for containers not supporting ShrinkWrap directly
  • [ARQ-123] - Create a Arquillian Gradle example
  • [ARQ-288] - Document how to integrate Arquillian into non-Maven builds (build integration chapter)
  • [ARQ-457] - Move Drone API to api package to align ARQ-361


Quality Risk

  • [ARQ-411] - Doc: XSD at wrong URL:

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