Release Notes - Infinispan - Version 5.2.0.Beta6 - HTML format


  • [ISPN-2008] - Optimistic concurrency in REST server is not using atomic operations
  • [ISPN-2362] - Remove-inconsistency during NBST
  • [ISPN-2384] - Entry lost after Eviction/Passivation
  • [ISPN-2409] - DefaultExecutorService failoverExecution does not rethrow the root cause of the failure
  • [ISPN-2495] - Replication on startup not reliable
  • [ISPN-2502] - State transfer can lead to inconsitencies because it applies data using putIfAbsent without locking
  • [ISPN-2532] - Sporadical IllegalStateException on startup
  • [ISPN-2553] - JBossMarshaller can be used before properly initialized
  • [ISPN-2559] - Util.loadClass() swallows certain types of exceptions
  • [ISPN-2564] - Send distributed tasks to cache members rather than the entire cluster
  • [ISPN-2566] - TopologyAwareConsistentHashFactory rebalance doesn't redistribute data properly
  • [ISPN-2572] - "CacheException: Initial state transfer timed out for cache" reliably on AS7 testsuite
  • [ISPN-2595] - Consistent hash factory configuration is ignored
  • [ISPN-2597] - All modules (except arquillian based ones) should use same surefire settings
  • [ISPN-2607] - Typo in remote protocol MBeans
  • [ISPN-2628] - ActivationManagerImpl has a useless method which breaks the build
  • [ISPN-2629] - Dist Exec testsuite fails in case of TopologyAware nodes.
  • [ISPN-2646] - SimpleClusteredVersion should use the topology id instead of the JGroups view id


  • [ISPN-2192] - Allow using Distributed Execution against any cache (not just clustered caches)
  • [ISPN-2242] - JMX clear() operation on caches
  • [ISPN-2552] - Support concurrent updates for non-transactional caches
  • [ISPN-2583] - Remove ConfigDoclet and xsom dependency
  • [ISPN-2594] - CLI should prompt for password when connection requires it
  • [ISPN-2599] - The ping command in the CLI should be hidden
  • [ISPN-2600] - CLI rolling upgrades
  • [ISPN-2603] - Intermittent test failure: AsyncAPITest
  • [ISPN-2616] - Write skew check fails in clustered mode (both DIST and REPL) if the key being checked was not transfered yet to local node by state transfer
  • [ISPN-2621] - Introduce a wrapper for entries received via a RemoteCacheStore
  • [ISPN-2626] - XSite test suite doesn't work
  • [ISPN-2631] - HotRod server attempts to cast to CacheImpl
  • [ISPN-2643] - Configure the Java Hot Rod client to always go to the main data owner when requesting data

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