Release Notes - Infinispan - Version 5.1.2.FINAL - HTML format


  • [ISPN-1751] - Set"" in our scripts and Hot Rod client to avoid NPE
  • [ISPN-1840] - DefaultCacheManager uses deprecated InfinispanConfiguration.findSchemaInputStream()
  • [ISPN-1847] - treecache Exception "invocationBatching is not enabled" with configured batching="true" in AS7 infinispan subsystem
  • [ISPN-1849] - Avoid an IllegalArgumentException when physical address is requested for logging but is not yet defined
  • [ISPN-1850] - NPE during CacheManager stop with enabled jmx
  • [ISPN-1851] - c3p0 and missing JDBC drivers
  • [ISPN-1852] - If a global component fails to start during cache startup, future getCache calls for that cache will never return
  • [ISPN-1853] - JMX documentation not packaged correctly
  • [ISPN-1854] - Netty transport metrics not included in rhq-plugin.xml
  • [ISPN-1857] - inconsistency issue caused by lock failover during node joining
  • [ISPN-1859] - CacheManager.defineConfiguration override doesn't work for hash configuration values
  • [ISPN-1860] - HotRod client topology info can get out of sync with the server topology info
  • [ISPN-1867] - class attribute have been removed from configuration xsd
  • [ISPN-1872] - Coordinator hangs when cache is loaded to it and l1cache enabled in cluster
  • [ISPN-1873] - ExternalizerTable not detecting cache manager shutdown for provided channels
  • [ISPN-1875] - Pi approximation and word count demos don't work
  • [ISPN-1882] - IllegalStateException in state transfer when starting a single clustered node
  • [ISPN-1885] - RPCs can arrive before CommandAwareRpcDispatcher sets its request/response marshaller
  • [ISPN-1886] - DistributedExecutorService not working with non distributed cache
  • [ISPN-1887] - AdvancedCache.lock() when run without transactions should produce a more sane error
  • [ISPN-1894] - Running GUI demo from bin distribution does not work


  • [ISPN-1844] - Update online version of schema for configuration of 5.1
  • [ISPN-1845] - Move all dependency version information to the parent pom to simplify management
  • [ISPN-1870] - Document FileSync options in the FileCacheStore
  • [ISPN-1880] - Update javadocs on size() ...
  • [ISPN-1889] - Use a ConcurrentMapFactory abstraction when constructing concurrent maps

Component Upgrade


  • [ISPN-1858] - clusterName=null causes NPE or hanging at JGroups startup
  • [ISPN-1861] - Add a toString() method on configuration objects
  • [ISPN-1869] - EvictionConfigurationBuilder.validate() should warn if user setd a maxEntry but forgot strategy
  • [ISPN-1871] - Upgrade to RHQ 4.2.0
  • [ISPN-1874] - Make demos discoverable by RHQ out of the box
  • [ISPN-1878] - Remove the NO_FC flag in the CommandAwareRpcDispatcher
  • [ISPN-1881] - RPC calls should not use an executor if communicating with a single recipient
  • [ISPN-1892] - Revert to UNICAST where RSVP is not supported

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