Release Notes - RESTEasy - Version 2.2.RC1 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [RESTEASY-543] - use SnakeYaml for YAML provider
  • [RESTEASY-544] - DKIM/DOSETA Digital Signatures (Retire Content-Signature)


  • [RESTEASY-423] - Null matrix parameters not accepted by the reasteasy client library
  • [RESTEASY-481] - Passing escaped semicolon as a matrix parameter value
  • [RESTEASY-506] - @Context injection broken for Application, ServletConfig
  • [RESTEASY-512] - NullPointerException when an http request parameter value contains invalid characters (URISyntaxException)
  • [RESTEASY-518] - Unmarshal empty entity body as null entity parameter
  • [RESTEASY-519] - Http code 200 is set the response instead of 400 upon JAXBMarshalException
  • [RESTEASY-521] - The ExecuterService in the Asynchronous Dispatcher is not shut down cleanly
  • [RESTEASY-522] - RestEasy Client Framework throws null point exception when the @CookieParam() is null
  • [RESTEASY-530] - Exceptions in void methods are not passed to registered ClientErrorInterceptor
  • [RESTEASY-537] - Wildcard breaks method binding specified by @Produces
  • [RESTEASY-538] - Entity beans cannot be used with @Form and CDI
  • [RESTEASY-541] - Handling of MethodNotAllowedException if RESTeasy is a Filter
  • [RESTEASY-542] - Absolute path used in contacts.jsp of resteasy-springMVC example


  • [RESTEASY-528] - Code in SpringContextLoader should be usable for those with their own ContextLoader subclass (patch & tests included)

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