Release Notes - - Version 5.0.0 - HTML format


  • [ORG-1110] - Improve CSS to avoid FOUC (Flash of Unstyled Content)
  • [ORG-1196] - Update build to be compatible with RPM deployment
  • [ORG-1197] - Rewrite paragraphs based on SiteDesigner
  • [ORG-1198] - Analyze currently used paragraphs on whether they need to be rewritten
  • [ORG-1199] - Create project plan for moving from legacy SiteDesigner to Standard Templating Kit
  • [ORG-1200] - Rewrite templates to STK
  • [ORG-1201] - Paragraphs migration scripts
  • [ORG-1202] - Templates migration script
  • [ORG-1253] - Allow more types of paragraph in Plain Page template


  • [ORG-1144] - loading the CSS too late while rendering

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