Release Notes - JBoss Transaction Manager - Version 4.17.4 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [JBTM-1432] - Provide information about the uid of the transaction that you are aborting
  • [JBTM-1598] - version tags missed for all the sub-components


  • [JBTM-1206] - Intermittent XTS CR bug
  • [JBTM-1298] - Build timeout on SimpleIsolatedServers test
  • [JBTM-1320] - MXBean already registered with name java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=Copy
  • [JBTM-1344] - org.jboss.jbossts.txbridge.tests.outbound.junit.OutboundBasicTests Timeout (900mins)
  • [JBTM-1348] - Ensure all our Hudson jobs use the JDK config
  • [JBTM-1354] - JCA recovery race condition
  • [JBTM-1358] - TXBridge InboundCrashRecoveryTests hung for ~22hrs
  • [JBTM-1360] - build-release-pkgs.xml contains path to orson, rather than ext/
  • [JBTM-1370] - jbossts-branch417-EAP61-java6-jdbcobjectstore junit tests fail
  • [JBTM-1373] - jdbcobjectstore QA test failures
  • [JBTM-1374] - JDBC Object Store Deadlock potential with MySQL
  • [JBTM-1380] - Build times out because of not enough PermGen space
  • [JBTM-1384] - jbossts-branch417-EAP61-AS-monitor build fails because of not enough PermGen space
  • [JBTM-1385] - ATS integration SimpleIsolatedServers.testSimultaneousRecover assertion error 5
  • [JBTM-1387] - Java heap space ends while building JBoss AS test suite
  • [JBTM-1393] - XTSDemoTest fails because jbossHome does not exist
  • [JBTM-1395] - JBoss Transactional File I/O Demo fails because of not enough PermGen space
  • [JBTM-1396] - TXBridge quickstart with three servers fails because of not enough PermGen space
  • [JBTM-1397] - wsat-jta-multi_service quickstart is not tested in CI
  • [JBTM-1402] - Build timed out while running tests from TestGroup_rawresources02_2
  • [JBTM-1403] - jbossts-narayana-skipTests build failure due to downloading some artifacts
  • [JBTM-1404] - XTSDemoTest error: The server is already running!
  • [JBTM-1426] - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded during oracle JDBC object store test
  • [JBTM-1430] - Restore commit method to AtomicAction
  • [JBTM-1433] - Strange XA recovery behaviour - after sucessful commit is recovery called second
  • [JBTM-1437] - QA suite failure:
  • [JBTM-1438] - QA suite failure:
  • [JBTM-1452] - Distribution name of 4.17.x is narayana* rather than jbossts*
  • [JBTM-1465] - Performance tests using JDBCStore
  • [JBTM-1481] - Transaction::commit on an transaction that the reaper has tried to rollback but has a wedged resource will not raise an exception
  • [JBTM-1512] - com.hp.mwtests.ts.jts.local.transactions.TransactionTest1 failed
  • [JBTM-1513] - ArjunaJTS/jtax/tests/classes/ test failed
  • [JBTM-1522] - "no XTS application recovery module found" during XTS Recovery Tests
  • [JBTM-1592] - Fix qa suite failure:*_oracle_thin_jndi
  • [JBTM-1609] - Certain XAResourceRecord constructors don't take into account configured SerializableXAResourceDeserializer(s)
  • [JBTM-1631] - Quickstart PR testing broken for 4.17


  • [JBTM-1031] - == replaced with equals() in objects comparison where appropriate
  • [JBTM-1061] - Refactor the dependency on hornetq-core objectstore
  • [JBTM-1289] - XTS participant completion tests should use a rendezvous to delay close until participant has completed
  • [JBTM-1311] - Unify all XTS/localjunit tests
  • [JBTM-1324] - Create a TXBridge quickstart that bridges to two services
  • [JBTM-1353] - Remove old tests from XTS
  • [JBTM-1355] - Merge XTS JUnit and Arquillian tests
  • [JBTM-1429] - Document the PartcipantCompletion race condition
  • [JBTM-1440] - Move the XTS documentation into the /docs folder and check they are current
  • [JBTM-1594] - Implementation-Version manifest entry contains scm revision
  • [JBTM-1617] - When testing pull requests do a rebase to the merge point


  • [JBTM-1480] - On using hornetq object store native libraries are loaded automatically - it should be configurable

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