Release Notes - jBPM - Version 7.15.0.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [JBPM-7266] - Configure jBPM unit tests to use connection pooling
  • [JBPM-7906] - Audit Mode should apply to task log information



  • [JBPM-5333] - Redundant modal shown when exception is thrown during starting of process
  • [JBPM-7829] - Enable to link process with name starting with digit to reusable subprocess
  • [JBPM-7869] - NoClassDefFoundError warnings when starting Workbench
  • [JBPM-7913] - Create pastebin workitem
  • [JBPM-7920] - Incorrect association between ProcessInstanceLog an task data on jbpmHumanTasks and the jbpmHumanTasksWithAdmin datasets
  • [JBPM-7921] - Stunner - [DMN Modeler] Dynamic Form Properties with nested hierarchy. Additional test coverage.
  • [JBPM-7931] - Create Vimeo workitems
  • [JBPM-7932] - Create Kafka workitem
  • [JBPM-7950] - SpringBoot auto configuration for kie server does not respect start order of extensions
  • [JBPM-7952] - WebSocket session invalidation fix not included in RHDM product builds
  • [JBPM-7955] - Unable to submit human task output data (DocumentImpl) using REST API
  • [JBPM-7957] - Not able to set as reusable sub-process process from different project
  • [JBPM-7958] - Process Administration settings shows incorrect pagination options as hint
  • [JBPM-7984] - Create Google Maps workitems
  • [JBPM-7986] - Default items per page property values does not correspond with table dropdown


  • [JBPM-4931] - Keep Actions column always as the last to the right
  • [JBPM-7465] - Process Instances: Process variables as columns should be added to the left of Actions column
  • [JBPM-7786] - Provide more specific explanation of KIE Server request failure
  • [JBPM-7907] - HTML elements on forms should allow variable extraction
  • [JBPM-7908] - Improve Apache Camel integration to provide all options for pushing out data
  • [JBPM-7969] - Make use of @Wid annotation to register work item handlers
  • [JBPM-7979] - CaseFileDataLog should take advantage of VariableIndexer to allow custom values for variables

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