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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-9574

Distribution files does not have POSIX permissions perfectly set


      The server provisioning copy (and extract) files in order to assemble the distribution based the information of the feature-pack.

      While doing so on a POSIX system, it keeps the permissions of the original files, which are not always optimum (see JBEAP-12374). Specifically, .properties and .jar files are associated with the mask rw-rw-r-- giving access to it to any other and allowing group member to modify the file ;

      On a "regular" Maven project, all of those changes could be specified in the assembly.xml, however in Wildfly cases, this is not really option because the provisioning-maven-plugin and feature-pack-build-maven-plugin are manipulating the content of the archive being built. Also, using assembly.xml would mean edit and update the 4 or 5 different assembly.xml in the project directory tree.

      I plan thus to propose a fix for wildfly-build-tools to address all those (small) problems.

            rpelisse@redhat.com Romain Pelisse
            rpelisse@redhat.com Romain Pelisse
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