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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-2539

Avoid adding dependency on batch impl to applications


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 8.0.0.Beta1
    • Batch
    • None

      Ony batch api needs to be added as dependency to all deployed apps. Batch impl modules should not be exposed to application deployments.

      from IRC discussion on 11/19/2013:

      10:57:05 - Nihility: […] currently we are stuffing batch implementation details into every module thats bad
      10:57:29 - Nihility: cfang: jamezp_afk the only deps that a user deployment should have is on APIs
      10:57:50 - Nihility: cfang: jamezp_afk the APIs then depend on an impl either dynamically or in their module.xml

      10:58:55 - Nihility: cfang: jamezp_afk its ok to add the APIs to every deployment
      10:58:55 - dmlloyd: not implementation modules
      10:59:01 - cfang: Nihility: I recall we did come up with some coarse grained logic to reduce the impact

      11:01:25 - dmlloyd: cfang, but the point is that the impl modules should not be on any application at all, batch or not
      11:02:06 - Nihility: cfang: right the rule is basically a propagation rule. The user only sees what it can access, which are APIS, the APIs can see impl classes and thats isolation
      11:02:33 - Nihility: cfang: its the reason that a user, for example can use their own XML parser
      11:03:10 - Nihility: cfang: we have some exceptions because third party code isn't always correct
      11:03:34 - Nihility: cfang: but we should strive for at least our code to be properly isolated. It's not urgent but it has something we need to fix

            jperkins-rhn James Perkins
            cfang@redhat.com Cheng Fang
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