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  1. WildFly
  2. WFLY-2533

Add ability to set default character encoding on a subsystem level


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 8.0.0.CR1
    • None
    • Web (Undertow)
    • None

      Stuart: the charset one should be pretty simple, just an attribute on <servlet-container?
      Stuart: ideally we would also have it in jboss-web.xml as well
      Stuart: I should also add an option to use the connector encoding
      Stuart: as connectors have their own encoding set
      Stuart: that is used to decode the URL
      Stuart: we should have an option to use the connector encoding as the default encoding

            tomazcerar Tomaž Cerar (Inactive)
            sdouglas1@redhat.com Stuart Douglas
            1 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
