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  1. WildFly Core
  2. WFCORE-923

Execution timeout for CLI operations


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 3.0.0.Alpha6
    • 2.0.0.Beta4
    • CLI

      It will be great if we could have a timeout setting to "stop-the-CLI-execution-after-nnn-seconds" , for all general CLI operations.

      Specifically, during some CLI operations, for example "deploy" or "reload", it is possible that things get stuck and hang-up, CLI cannot get back / return to the user after a long waiting. In this case, if we're able to setup an "execution timeout" and let CLI return with an error message, that would be much better. User should be able to know command execution results by viewing the related logs or checking the status.

      Currently there is "--timeout" setting when running "jboss-cli.sh", but that seems only effective on "connect" operation, tried to use this timeout with a CLI script file, which has "deploy" inside (./jboss-cli.sh --file=test.cli --timeout=xxx), it doesn't work when the deployment takes a long time.

            olubyans@redhat.com Alexey Loubyansky
            rhn-support-lywang Lyle Wang (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
