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  1. Teiid
  2. TEIID-5532

Common table projection minimization does not account for usage in a subquery nested in an aggregate or in some view scenarios


      Nesting the usage of a common table in an aggregate means that the columns can be removed inappropriately by projection minimization. A query such as:

      with CTE1 as /*+ no_inline */ (SELECT e1, e2, e3 from pm1.g1)
      select array_agg((select e3 from cte1 where e1=pm1.g2.e1 and e2=pm1.g2.e2)) from pm1.g2

      will return null values for all e3 as projection minimization of CTE1 will replace the column with a null value.

      A similar situation occurs when the query above is defined instead in a view. A similar issue was captured on TEIID-5535

            rhn-engineering-shawkins Steven Hawkins
            rhn-engineering-shawkins Steven Hawkins
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