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  1. Teiid
  2. TEIID-5027

Translator infinispan-hotrod incorrect data type import


      I have a vdb:

      <vdb name="jdg71_crud" version="1">
          <model name="Source" type="PHYSICAL" visible="true">
              <source name="jdg7-source" translator-name="infinispan-hotrod" connection-jndi-name="java:/jdg71HotrodDS" />
              <metadata type="DDL"><![CDATA[
                   CREATE FOREIGN TABLE SmallA (
                     IntKey integer,
                     IntNum integer,
                     DoubleNum double,
                     ObjectValue object,
                     BigDecimalValue bigdecimal,
                     BigIntegerValue biginteger,
                     CharValue char,
                     StringNum string,
                     StringKey string PRIMARY KEY,
                     FloatNum float,
                     LongNum long,
                     TimeValue time,
                     ShortValue short,
                     ByteNum byte,
                     TimeStampValue timestamp,
                     BooleanValue boolean,
                     DateValue date) OPTIONS(UPDATABLE true, "teiid_ispn:cache" '${jdg.cache.name}');
              <metadata type = "NATIVE"/>

      But the resulting metadata are:

      column_name column_type
      IntKey integer
      IntNum integer
      DoubleNum double
      ObjectValue string
      BigDecimalValue varbinary
      BigIntegerValue varbinary
      CharValue string
      StringNum string
      StringKey string
      FloatNum float
      LongNum long
      TimeValue varbinary
      ShortValue integer
      ByteNum integer
      TimeStampValue varbinary
      BooleanValue boolean
      DateValue varbinary

      All the columns should be replaced by appropriate data type as defined in the vdb.

            rhn-engineering-rareddy Ramesh Reddy
            jstastny@redhat.com Jan Stastny
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
