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  1. Teiid
  2. TEIID-4473

Google translator string empty cell is evaluated as NULL


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 9.1
    • None
    • Documentation
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      • in dynamic vdb, create a foreign table sheetName with column definition: A string(10) OPTIONS (NATIVE_TYPE 'STRING')
      • in a google spreadsheet, leave empty cell in column A
      • execute query "select A from sheetName" - returns NULL value instead of empty string
      in dynamic vdb, create a foreign table sheetName with column definition: A string(10) OPTIONS (NATIVE_TYPE 'STRING') in a google spreadsheet, leave empty cell in column A execute query "select A from sheetName" - returns NULL value instead of empty string

      In documentation [1] is said "Any non-string column with an empty cell has the value retrieved as null, otherwise it is the empty string." however empty cell of string column is evaluated as NULL instead of empty string.

      [1] https://teiid.gitbooks.io/documents/content/reference/Google_Spreadsheet_Translator.html
      [2] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-data-virtualization/6.3/paged/development-guide-volume-3-reference-material/1314-google-spreadsheet-translator

            rhn-engineering-shawkins Steven Hawkins
            lfabriko@redhat.com Lucie Krejcirova
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
