> The configuration of the resource adapter is there, then why not add what it supports too.
Because that is still coming from a JBoss/Teiid admin, not the source system itself. Also it depends on whether we see there being only two states here (if there indexes, use lucene. if not, then don't) or if there is a third state (don't use the indexes even if present). If the third one is a possibility it would make sense then that there was a translator level switch - unless you are assuming that there is a one-to-one correspondence between resource adapter instance and translator instances.
> I really think, the function of querying (e.g. by key, lucene or DSL) should be moved into the cache wrapper, so the translator doesn't need to control how its performed.
I don't see a lot of benefit in doing this. Basically all we would be doing is moving Teiid language api dependencies down into the resource adapter.
> And with the addition of DSL support and the dependencies on google protobuf's, if we don't segment this more, there will be no separation between the translator and resource adapter.
I don't completely follow this. The separation between the translator and resource adapter is that the resource adapter should be abstracting how we access the resource. I'm not sure how the abstraction changes with DSL support, can you elaborate?
What I can gather is that your preferred end state would look like a thin translator and a resource adapter that understands our query objects and makes all of the decisions from there.
Applied Van's change to remove the property.