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  1. Teiid
  2. TEIID-2349

Cannot execute Two-Phase Commit using Multi-Source Model Dynamic VDB


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 8.1, 7.7.4
    • 7.7.1
    • Server
    • None

      Description of problem:
      2nd connection to Multi-Source Model Dynamic VDB is not Two-Phase Commit.

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      Execute a update query via Multi-Source Model Dynamic VDB.
      vdb - maseter-vdb.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

      <vdb name="MASTER-VDB" version="1">
      <description>A Dynamic VDB</description>
      <property name="UseConnectorMetadata" value="true" />
      <model visible="true" type="PHYSICAL" name="VDB1">
      <property name="supports-multi-source-bindings" value="true" />
      <source name="db02" translator-name="postgresql" connection-jndi-name="java:/PostgresXADS02" />
      <source name="db01" translator-name="postgresql" connection-jndi-name="java:/PostgresXADS01" />

      Additional info:
      Set the multisourceUpdate flag as first query plan creating.

      90: @Override
      91: public synchronized RelationalPlan convert(PlanNode planNode)
      92: throws QueryPlannerException, TeiidComponentException {
      93: RelationalPlan result = null;
      94: try

      { 95: result = super.convert(planNode); 96: return result; 97: }

      finally {
      98: if (result != null && update && multiSource)

      { -> 99: result.setMultisourceUpdate(true); 100: }

      101: update = false;
      102: multiSource = false;
      103: }
      104: }

      If multisourceUpdate is true, transactionService is started by teiid engine. But, second connects does not set the multisourceUpdate flag. Therefore, teiid engine does not start transactionService.

      338: private void createProcessor() throws TeiidComponentException {
      — snip —
      349: if(RequestMessage.TXN_WRAP_ON.equals(requestMsg.getTxnAutoWrapMode()))

      { 350: startAutoWrapTxn = true; 351: }

      else if (RequestMessage.TXN_WRAP_DETECT.equals(requestMsg.getTxnAutoWrapMode()))

      { 352: boolean transactionalRead = requestMsg.getTransactionIsolation() == Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ 353: || requestMsg.getTransactionIsolation() == Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE; -> 354: startAutoWrapTxn = processPlan.requiresTransaction(transactionalRead); 355: }

      357: if (startAutoWrapTxn) {
      358: try

      { -> 359: transactionService.begin(tc); 360: }

      catch (XATransactionException err)

      { 361: throw new TeiidComponentException(err); 362: }

      363: }
      364: }

      254: @Override
      255: public boolean requiresTransaction(boolean transactionalReads) {
      256: if (multisourceUpdate)

      { -> 257: return true; 258: }

      259: if (this.with != null) {
      260: if (transactionalReads)

      { 261: return true; 262: }

      263: for (WithQueryCommand withCommand : this.with) {
      264: if (withCommand.getCommand().getProcessorPlan().requiresTransaction(transactionalReads))

      { 265: return true; 266: }

      267: }
      268: }
      279: return requiresTransaction(transactionalReads, root);
      270: }

            rhn-engineering-shawkins Steven Hawkins
            van.halbert Van Halbert (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
