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  1. Teiid
  2. TEIID-1569

Documentation on creating UDF, extending ExecutionFactory and defining @Translator name should indicate what to do with the translator name


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 7.4
    • 7.1.1
    • Documentation
    • Low

      A user was trying to follow the documentation (http://docs.jboss.org/teiid/7.3.0.Final/developer-guide/en-US/html_single/#d0e2512) on creating a UDF and have it pushed down to the source. But they didn't make the correlation between the process of extending the ExecutionFactory and then having to use the defined @Translator name. It wasn't obvious to them. Therefore, I think it would be good to indicated in the "Required" segment of the example of extending the Oracle Connector:

      Required - extend the OracleExecutionFactory and add SCORE and CONTAINS as supported functions. For this example, we'll call the class MyOracleExecutionFactory. Add the org.teiid.translator.Translator annotation to the class, e.g. @Translator(name="myoracle")

      Add a follow on sentence to indicate that the @Translator name (i.e., "myoracle") is the name to assign to the translator for the physical model for which the custom translator will be used (or something like that).

            rhn-engineering-rareddy Ramesh Reddy
            van.halbert Van Halbert (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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