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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-9726

inconsistent licensing terms across JBoss Tools - SOA Tooling site


      When installing from the M3 site:


      I notice that most features in JBoss Tools have a license from Red Hat which mentions EPL, GPL, and other licenses. It's a catch-all which allows a cleaner view of what's being installed, all under the same umbrella.

      The following features should adopt this statement in their features so that we're consistent across the board:

      Savara (GPL)
      Drools (ASL)
      pi4soa (ASL)
      Teiid (EPL)

      Text is as follows (copied from cdi.feature/feature.properties):

      license=Red Hat, Inc. licenses these features and plugins to you under \
      certain open source licenses (or aggregations of such licenses), which \
      in a particular case may include the Eclipse Public License, the GNU \
      Lesser General Public License, and/or certain other open source \
      licenses. For precise licensing details, consult the corresponding \
      source code, or contact Red Hat Legal Affairs, 1801 Varsity Drive, \
      Raleigh NC 27606 USA.

            rhn-engineering-dpalmer Douglas Palmer
            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
