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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-9243

local servers are not trying to start because it already looks like they are started


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      1) start an as7 server
      2) start a 2nd as7 server (that would listen on the same port)

      The adapter of the 2nd server erroneously states "Started" but actually no server was started
      Symptom is that you have no log output of that 2nd server.

      1) start an as7 server 2) start a 2nd as7 server (that would listen on the same port) Result: The adapter of the 2nd server erroneously states "Started" but actually no server was started Symptom is that you have no log output of that 2nd server.
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      "After I updated to latest M2 build I no longer get console output nor launches - I for sure got that earlier today so something changed.

      Without console output and way of debugging you are rather lost so this is definitely considered a blocker."

      After some investigation what actually happend was that I had something running on port 8080 already and then the server didn't even try and start anything and just worked like it was already running...

      That's different what it used to be that the server would actually start and then most likely start with address already in use; it looked bad but at least the user could see what is going on.

      The current behavior is worse since the user think he is already running..but turns out he is not.

      But it is cool the poller now is asked if it is already started and we should use that information to show a dialog to the user asking him something like:

      "A server already seem to be responding via <some text for the poller to describe what it detected>. Do you wish to continue starting the server, connect to existing server or cancel ?"

      Then clicking continue will actually do the start, cancel will stop the attempt to start and the server adapter should not be connected and finally connecting to existing server should temporarily for the time of this specific launch switch to "do not start/stop server" mode.

      Then the user would be in control and know what is going on!

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
            Isaac Rooskov Isaac Rooskov (Inactive)
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