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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-9031

Deploying EAR with a module having a sub-module in its component descriptor deploys erroneous ear.


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      Projects configuration:

      1. Create an EAR project 'EAR_Project'.
      2. Create 2 Java projects 'project1' and 'project2'.
      3. In the 'EAR_Project' properties, in 'Deployment Assembly' add projects 'project1' and 'project2' (in the EAR library directory lib).
      4. In the 'project2' properties, in 'Deployment Assembly' add project 'project1' and set deploy path to 'lib/project1.jar'.


      1. Create a JBoss 4.2 runtime.
      2. make sure your deployment is done in archive mode (check "Deploy projects as compressed archives" on the "Deployment" tab of the server adapter if needed)
      3. Add 'EAR_Project'.
      4. Do publish.

      The ear is deployed, no errors occur but the EAR has project1 and project2 in the root of the archive.

      Projects configuration: Create an EAR project 'EAR_Project'. Create 2 Java projects 'project1' and 'project2'. In the 'EAR_Project' properties, in 'Deployment Assembly' add projects 'project1' and 'project2' (in the EAR library directory lib). In the 'project2' properties, in 'Deployment Assembly' add project 'project1' and set deploy path to 'lib/project1.jar'. Runtime: Create a JBoss 4.2 runtime. make sure your deployment is done in archive mode (check "Deploy projects as compressed archives" on the "Deployment" tab of the server adapter if needed) Add 'EAR_Project'. Do publish. Result: The ear is deployed, no errors occur but the EAR has project1 and project2 in the root of the archive.


      For some reasons I have to deploy an EAR webapp with (in its libs) a jar containing itself another jar.


      For this I have a first Java project with the following component descriptor:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <project-modules id="moduleCoreId" project-version="1.5.0">
          <wb-module deploy-name="project1">
              <wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/src/main/java"/>

      Then, the second Java project has the component descriptor:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <project-modules id="moduleCoreId" project-version="1.5.0">
          <wb-module deploy-name="project2">
              <wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/src/main/java"/>
              <dependent-module archiveName="project1.jar" deploy-path="/lib" handle="module:/resource/project1/project1">

      Then, in Eclipse when exporting the project2 as a Module Archive, I obtain a .jar file featuring both classes from project2 and a lib folder with the project1 compiled jar.

      Now, in the ear project I have the following lines in the component descriptor:

              <dependent-module archiveName=" project1.jar" deploy-path="/lib" handle="module:/resource/ project1/ project1">
              <dependent-module archiveName=" project2.jar" deploy-path="/lib" handle="module:/resource/ project2/ project2">

      (The EAR needs the 2 jars as well)


      The ear that is deployed actually has project1 and project2 in the root of the EAR.

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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