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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-8687

JSF tooling adds an Faces Servlet declaration with no servlet mappings on project import


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 3.2.1.M1, 3.3.0.M2
    • 3.2.0.Final
    • jsf, upstream
    • None
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      Duplicate by creating a project from the JBoss Java EE 6 webapp archetype (http://tinyurl.com/gojavaee) and import it as a Maven project. Make sure you have the JBoss Tools auto-detection support for JSF installed. You'll see that the web.xml is overwritten...but was fine how it was.

      Duplicate by creating a project from the JBoss Java EE 6 webapp archetype ( http://tinyurl.com/gojavaee ) and import it as a Maven project. Make sure you have the JBoss Tools auto-detection support for JSF installed. You'll see that the web.xml is overwritten...but was fine how it was.
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      Remove the Faces Servlet declaration after JSF configurator adds it.

      Remove the Faces Servlet declaration after JSF configurator adds it.

      When importing a Java EE 6 webapp that contains a faces-config.xml descriptor, the JSF tooling unnecessarily adds a Faces Servlet declaration to the web.xml. The Faces Servlet is not required in Java EE 6 (at least on JBoss AS and GlassFish). What's worse, the Servlet is added with no mappings, so it completely breaks JSF.

            snjeza_jira Snjezana Peco (Inactive)
            dan.j.allen Dan Allen (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
