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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-8453

Richfaces 4 new tag names not compatible with JBoss Tools


      This tag names has changed in Richfaces 4:

      toolBar -> RF4: toolbar
      toolBarGroup -> RF4: toolbarGroup
      toolTip -> RF4: tooltip

      Maybe more, so far I found only these.

      The change is fine, but brought some problens in a IDE environment and in migration:

      1 - you can still use the old name in JBoss Tools, but the IDE can´t detected that this is wrong for RF4;
      2 - JBoss Tools can only render the preview for the old tag name not for the new tag name;
      3 - this can lead to mistakes for people migratin from 3.X branch like me.

      Since JBoss Tools 3.2 CR1 is out, it would be nice that CR2 has the ability to handle this changes. I first post this here, because I don´t know if RF team will take another action to solve this problem.

            dmaliarevich_jira Denis Maliarevich (Inactive)
            flaviohenrique_jira Flávio Henrique (Inactive)
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