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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-8002

(incorrect) faces-config validation error upon project clean


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      • create any Eclipse project. I have a regular faceted project to which I added JSF 1.2 capabilities and I target a JBoss 5.1 server.
      • create multiple faces-config files and define some beans - as specified I have five of them with a fair amount of content in each of them.
      • make sure the project is without validation errors
      • clean the project

      If everything is correct, you should now be seeing a validation error on the web.xml file like I do.

      create any Eclipse project. I have a regular faceted project to which I added JSF 1.2 capabilities and I target a JBoss 5.1 server. create multiple faces-config files and define some beans - as specified I have five of them with a fair amount of content in each of them. make sure the project is without validation errors clean the project If everything is correct, you should now be seeing a validation error on the web.xml file like I do.

      In my project (jsf 1.2 capabilities) I have multiple faces-config files, configured as follows in the web.xml file:


      So far so good. However, each time I now clean the project, I get a validation error in the problems list (and the project is marked as having an error) on the fact that one of these files does not exist - it seems random which one it complains about but the error does happen consistently. This validation error is not shown in the web.xml file itself when I open it, and when I alter and save the web.xml file, the error disappears from the problems list and the project no longer has errors.

      I did not ever see this otherwise minor issue in beta 1.

            scabanovich Viacheslav Kabanovich (Inactive)
            gimbal_jira erik van altena (Inactive)
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