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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-7614

Add third column to deployment page to rename the output file / folder.


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 3.2.1.M1, 3.3.0.M1
    • 3.2.0.Beta1
    • server
    • None
    • Hide
      The UI for the Server editor, page 2 (deployment) will now display three columns named "Module", "Deployment Location", and "Temporary Deploy Path".

      The behaviour of columns 1 and 3 are unchanged, specifically, column 1 lists the module, and column three lists the folder you want to use as your temporary folder for that module.

      Column 2's behaviour has changed. Originally it would appear blank, and behave similarly to the Temporary Deploy Directory, except as the final location of the deployment. Now, it will default to display the output filename of the deployment (DynProj.war).

      Given a "Deploy Directory" (top of the page) of "/home/rob/tmp", the following "Deployment Location" values have the following effects:
        1) SomeProj.war (output will be placed in /home/rob/tmp/SomeProj.war)
        2) SomeProj3.war (output will be placed in /home/rob/tmp/SomeProj3.war)
        3) folder/SomeProj.war (output will be placed in /home/rob/tmp/folder/SomeProj.war)
        4) /home/somewhere/else/SomeProj.war (output will be placed in /home/somewhere/else/SomeProj.war)

      The UI for the Server editor, page 2 (deployment) will now display three columns named "Module", "Deployment Location", and "Temporary Deploy Path". The behaviour of columns 1 and 3 are unchanged, specifically, column 1 lists the module, and column three lists the folder you want to use as your temporary folder for that module. Column 2's behaviour has changed. Originally it would appear blank, and behave similarly to the Temporary Deploy Directory, except as the final location of the deployment. Now, it will default to display the output filename of the deployment (DynProj.war). Given a "Deploy Directory" (top of the page) of "/home/rob/tmp", the following "Deployment Location" values have the following effects:   1) SomeProj.war (output will be placed in /home/rob/tmp/SomeProj.war)   2) SomeProj3.war (output will be placed in /home/rob/tmp/SomeProj3.war)   3) folder/SomeProj.war (output will be placed in /home/rob/tmp/folder/SomeProj.war)   4) /home/somewhere/else/SomeProj.war (output will be placed in /home/somewhere/else/SomeProj.war)

      Currentlyu you can only update what folder a deployment goes to but you cannot at the last minute rename a deployment. Adding this third column should allow renaming of the final deployment.

      This will also be a good time to find any and all places (like explore utils) that do NOT use the proper API to find out based on settings where a module should be deployed to (or undeployed from).

      Test this heavily and don't break shit...

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
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