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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-26258

Right-click on a project shows only a few items for the first time


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.14.0.Final
    • 4.9.0.AM1
    • upstream
    • None
    • Hide

      It's pretty easy to reproduce.
      1. Create a project (e.g. the html project from central)
      2. Right-click the project in Project Explorer
      If you can't reproduce (perhaps you've already invoked the context menu in your current session):
      3. Restart Eclipse
      4. Right-click the project in Project Explorer

      It's pretty easy to reproduce. 1. Create a project (e.g. the html project from central) 2. Right-click the project in Project Explorer If you can't reproduce (perhaps you've already invoked the context menu in your current session): 3. Restart Eclipse 4. Right-click the project in Project Explorer

      I'm not really sure what component to use for this issue.
      I noticed that the first time I right-click a project in Project Explorer, I only get a few items in the context menu. When I do it another time, I get the whole menu.

      This is the wrong menu that is shown for the first time:

      And this is the normal one that is shown when you try again:

        1. menu-1.png
          25 kB
        2. menu-2.png
          85 kB

            jmaury@redhat.com Jeff MAURY
            exd-mmalina Martin Malina
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
