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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-25871

Server adapter: spring-boot-camel-xml adapter cannot rsync: no rsync nor tar available


      1. ASSERT: have project camel-ose-springboot-xml imported to your workspace (from attached archive fuse-on-openshift)
      2. ASSERT: have a connection to https://console.starter-us-east-2.openshift.com with a project <username>-stage
      3. EXEC: deploy project camel-ose-springboot-xml project via fabric-8 maven plugin:
        mvn clean install fabric8:deploy \
        -Dkubernetes.master=https://console.starter-us-east-2.openshift.com \
        -Dkubernetes.namespace=adietish-stage \
        -Dkubernetes.auth.basic.username=<username> \
        -Dkubernetes.auth.basic.password=<password> \
        -Dfabric8.mode=openshift \
        -Dkubernetes.trust.certificates=true \
        -Dfabric8.build.strategy=s2i \
        -Dkubernetes.auth.tryServiceAccount=false \
        -Dfabric8.generator.from=fabric8/s2i-java \
        -Dfabric8.generator.fromMode=docker \
      4. ASSERT: you have a pod running for a service camel-ose-springboot-xml
      5. EXEC: create a server adapter for your service camel-ose-springboot-xml
      6. ASSERT: adapter starts automatically and starts to sync local project to OpenShift

      RSync fails, you're told that the container has no strategy for syncing, neither rsync nor tar are available.

        1. pod-running.png
          25 kB
          André Dietisheim
        2. rsync-fails.png
          119 kB
          André Dietisheim

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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            3 Start watching this issue
