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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-24872

NullPointerException in ResourceUtils.getBuildConfigFor


    • devex #136 August 2017
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      1) Create a new Openshift Project (connection must have only one project without applications)
      2) In the Servers view: Right Click -> New -> OpenShift 3 Server Adapter -> Press Next until Server Settings page -> Click Import...
      3) Look at the error log.

      1) Create a new Openshift Project (connection must have only one project without applications) 2) In the Servers view: Right Click -> New -> OpenShift 3 Server Adapter -> Press Next until Server Settings page -> Click Import... 3) Look at the error log.

      The following problem was reported via the automated error reporting:

      Message: Unhandled event loop exception
      java.lang.NullPointerException: null
      at org.jboss.tools.openshift.internal.core.util.ResourceUtils.getBuildConfigFor(ResourceUtils.java:663)
      at org.jboss.tools.openshift.internal.ui.server.ServerSettingsWizardPage$11.widgetSelected(ServerSettingsWizardPage.java:494)
      at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(TypedListener.java:249)
      at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:84)


      org.eclipse.swt 3.105.3.v20170228-0512 3.105.3.v20170228-0512
      org.jboss.tools.openshift.core 3.3.3.v20170510-1453 3.3.3.v20170510-1453
      org.jboss.tools.openshift.ui 3.3.3.v20170510-2204 3.3.3.v20170510-2204

      Operating Systems:

      Linux 4.11.11.fc26 4.11.11.fc26

      The above information is a snapshot of the collected data. Visit https://aer.ctrlflow.com/redhat/reviewers/#!/problems/598bb1a2e4b085ca039e3e6b for the latest data.

      Thank you for your assistance.
      Your friendly error-reports-inbox.

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            aer-bot Automated Error Reporting Bot (Inactive)
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            4 Start watching this issue
