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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-24682

Reflect changes in minishift's version command


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 4.5.0.Final
    • 4.5.0.Final
    • cdk
    • None

      Due to changes in upstream project the 'minishift version' command returns different lines.

      CDK result from http://cdk-builds.usersys.redhat.com/builds/weekly/19-Jun-2017.cdk-3.0.0-CVE-2/ build:

      Minishift version: 1.0.0+4f8cb6d
      CDK Version: 3.0.0-2


      CDK result from nightly http://cdk-builds.usersys.redhat.com/builds/nightly/13-Jul-2017 build:

      minishift v1.2.0+001371f
      CDK Version:3.0.0-13072017-1

      And this change results in error while creating CDK 3 server adapter with newer CDK nightly build as it ends with "Unknown error while checking minishift version" as we expect the string to contains "Minishift Version".

      We should get in touch with cdk team to check whether they plan to change the output 'CDK Version' to something else as well, in case we are going to distinguish between minishift and cdk. If we accept in CDK 3 server adapter both cdk and minishift binary maybe we should create a CDK jira that would ask for changing output from 'minishift version' from 'CDK Version: X.X.X' to 'cdk vX.X.X'. I do not know if we plan to do so, it is just an idea...

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            odockal@redhat.com Ondrej Dockal
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
