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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-23384

Include integration-tests (update site only) in staging and stable update sites


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.4.2.Final
    • 4.4.2.AM2
    • updatesite
    • None
    • devex #123 November 2016
    • 4

      This will allow us the use case of running integration tests against the latest release of devstudio. This use case is required by EAP QE running our tests against their EAP development builds.

      Currently we have this repo:
      We're referencing it from our root pom:
      And set up a repository definition for it.

      This allows us to run an individual test bundle.
      This is mostly useful to satisfy test dependencies - tests depend on RedDeer as a whole which is in the target platform. But most tests also have a RedDeer extension in the plugins directory:

      With that, let's move on to why it would be useful to have a stable repo for this, e.g. http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/neon/stable/updates/integration-tests/

      Imagine you want to run integration tests against the latest stable build. If you just checkout the integration tests and run a test plugin (using mvn verify), it will use everything from the latest nightly repos.
      So to use latest stable release (jbt 4.4.1.Final / devstudio 10.1.0.GA), you need a couple of things:
      1. Checkout the corresponding branch of the integration tests - jbosstools-4.4.1.x in this case
      2. Make sure the proper devstudio is used to test against:
      This also includes the TP, so RedDeer should be the correct version
      3. Make sure the proper integration-tests repo is used for dependencies
      Now this is what we currently don't have. Our root pom will set up the snapshots repo:
      So that's why I would like to have a stable repo of this which I could use.

      There is a workaround - run "mvn install" on the whole integration-tests repo before you run your test. This will install the correct version in your local repo and that may be then used by your test. But maven will probably still prefer the newer versions from the snapshots repo that is set up in the pom.

      To give you an example what can break when you use the newest org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.reddeer plugin, but run the EAP tests against devstudio 10.1.0.GA:
      The EAP 7 server adapter had 7.0 in the type name in 10.1.0.GA, but in current master it's 7.x (to accommodate for the upcoming EAP 7.1). So if you want to test EAP 7.0.1 CP candidate build against devstudio 10.1.0.GA it will fail on this.

      Sorry for the lengthy explanation, but I hope it's now clear why I'm requesting this.
      Also, I'd be happy to hear if you have some suggestions how to do it differently.

            exd-mmalina Martin Malina
            exd-mmalina Martin Malina
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