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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-23030

Scaling a service changes the wrong deployment


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 4.4.2.AM3
    • 4.4.1.AM3
    • openshift
    • None

      In openshift explorer, when scaling a service that has 2 deployments, it deploys pod from the oldest deployment instead of the latest. Eventually, these pods are killed by openshift.

      The workaround is to open the properties view and issue a scale command on a deployment directly.

      However, because scaling is such a front-and-center feature from the explorer, I believe it's critical we fix it ASAP

      (copied from JBIDE-23412)
      The following steps can be seen in the following screencast:

      1. ASSERT: have an app running (ex. nodejs-example)
      2. ASSERT: In OpenShift Explorer: make sure it has at least 1 pod: pick "Scale To" in the context menu of the service. Dialog shows that there's at least 1 pod currently
      3. ASSERT: in OpenShift Explorer: there 1 pod shown as child to the service.
      4. ASSERT: in Properties view, pick "Deployments" tab and see that there's at least 1 deployment (aka replication controller)
      5. EXEC: in OpenShift explorer: select Service pick "Deploy Latest"
      6. ASSERT: in Properties view: "Deployments" now shows 2 Deployments
      7. ASSERT: in OpenShift Explorer you now see 2 children/pods
      8. EXEC: in OpenShift Explorer: pick "Scale To..." in the context menu of the service

      The current number of pods is shown as 0.

      But it's very sure that this is not true. Behind the scenes a new replication controller was created which deployed a new pod:

      The old replication controller was turned to have 0 pods. The "Scale To" dialog shows the number of replcas for the old replication controller.

        1. scale-to-shows-old-rc.ogv
          6.81 MB
          André Dietisheim
        2. replicas-0.png
          16 kB
          André Dietisheim
        3. rc2-replicas-1.png
          41 kB
          André Dietisheim
        4. rc-1-replicas-0.png
          43 kB
          André Dietisheim

            jcantril@redhat.com Jeffrey Cantrill
            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
