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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-22806

Connection wizard: "Finish" is enabled even though I didnt oauth authenticate to pick a token


    • devex #120 September 2016
    • 10
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      1. ASSERT: have a server that lets you log in via oauth (ex. https://console.engint.openshift.com)
      2. EXEC: launch connection wizard, choose openshift 3 type, provide server url and ensure "OAuth" is selected as authentication means
      3. ASSERT: "Finish" is disabled
      4. EXEC: hit the "retrieve" link and wait for the oauth dialog to appear
      5. EXEC: close auth dialog (do NOT log in nor retrieve any token)

      "Finish" is enabled, "Token" has no required marker

      ASSERT: have a server that lets you log in via oauth (ex. https://console.engint.openshift.com ) EXEC: launch connection wizard, choose openshift 3 type, provide server url and ensure "OAuth" is selected as authentication means ASSERT: "Finish" is disabled EXEC: hit the "retrieve" link and wait for the oauth dialog to appear EXEC: close auth dialog (do NOT log in nor retrieve any token) Result: "Finish" is enabled, "Token" has no required marker

          jmaury@redhat.com Jeff MAURY
          adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
          0 Vote for this issue
          3 Start watching this issue
