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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-22612

Explorer: OpenShift connections are missing from the explorer on startup


    • devex #116 June 2016
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      1. ASSERT: have at least 1x v3 and 1x v2 Connection
      2. ASSERT: have a clean workspace (no server adapters nor other references to the OpenShift plugins)
      3. EXEC: launch Eclipse
      4. ASSERT: look at OpenShift Explorer view and verify that your connections are listed, both of them

      None is listed

      ASSERT: have at least 1x v3 and 1x v2 Connection ASSERT: have a clean workspace (no server adapters nor other references to the OpenShift plugins) EXEC: launch Eclipse ASSERT: look at OpenShift Explorer view and verify that your connections are listed, both of them Result: None is listed
    • Workaround Exists
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      launch OpenShift Connection wizard. As soon as the wizard shows up the v3 connections are listed. V2 connections are still missing.

      launch OpenShift Connection wizard. As soon as the wizard shows up the v3 connections are listed. V2 connections are still missing.

      After applying the fix for JBIDE-21828, it appears that, on workspace restart, the OpenShift 3 connections are missing from the OpenShift Explorer.

      This is caused by the OpenShift 3 core plugin not being started when the OpenShiftExplorerContentProvider is called. As a consequence, no connections are loaded.

      Before JBIDE-21828, getExplorerElements would return all the OpenShift3 connections. With the new code, the UI Model is expected to be already loaded

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
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