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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-22473

Environment Var Wizard: Cannot remove env vars


    • devex #116 June 2016
    • 4
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      1. EXEC: In Explorer: pick "Manage Environment Variables" in the context menu of a service
      2. EXEC: hit "Add" and provide a new key/value pair
      3. EXEC: select the new key/value
      4. ASSERT: "Remove" button is enabled, you can remove it
      5. EXEC: "Finish" the wizard
      6. EXEC: In Explorer: pick "Manage Environment Variables" in the context menu of the (same) service
      7. EXEC: select the key/value pair that you just added

      "Remove" button is disabled, you cannot remove it

      8. EXEC: hit "Edit" (assuming that your key/value is still selected)
      9. EXEC: place cursor in the variable name

      You cannot change the variable name. You can change the value though

      1. EXEC: In Explorer: pick "Manage Environment Variables" in the context menu of a service 2. EXEC: hit "Add" and provide a new key/value pair 3. EXEC: select the new key/value 4. ASSERT: "Remove" button is enabled, you can remove it 5. EXEC: "Finish" the wizard 6. EXEC: In Explorer: pick "Manage Environment Variables" in the context menu of the (same) service 7. EXEC: select the key/value pair that you just added Result: "Remove" button is disabled, you cannot remove it 8. EXEC: hit "Edit" (assuming that your key/value is still selected) 9. EXEC: place cursor in the variable name Result: You cannot change the variable name. You can change the value though

          scabanovich Viacheslav Kabanovich (Inactive)
          adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
          0 Vote for this issue
          4 Start watching this issue
