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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-22276

Server Adapter Wizard, Application Wizard: Browse... button should be Workspace... button


    • 1

      In New OpenShift Server Adapter wizard there is a text widget for Eclipse project. Next to it there is a Browse... button which allow to select an eclipse project from workspace.

      IN New OpenShift Application Wizard there is a text widget for Eclipse project to be used for a new application. Next to it there is a Browse... button which allow to select an eclipse project from workspace. (On the same wizard page user can select a template from local file system/workspace and there we use correct buttons.)

      Earlier we were using Browse... button for real browsing using native file browser/chooser. Now we use it for selecting a project from workspace.

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            mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
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