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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21989

Show In - Web Browser from context menu of J2EE module on OS3 Server Adapter opens localhost


    • devex #4 March 2016
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      ASSERT: Have a Java EE OS 3 application (e.g. eap kitchensink quickstart from eap-basic-s2i template using CONTEXT_DIR kitchensink)
      EXEC: Create a server adapter for the application.
      ASSERT: There is a J2EE module for the application under the OS 3 server adapter.
      EXEC: Select J2EE module.
      EXEC: Opens context menu Show In - Web Browser.

      RESULT: Localhost is opened.
      EXPECTED RESULT: Route is used to determine URL of an application and its opened.

      ASSERT: Have a Java EE OS 3 application (e.g. eap kitchensink quickstart from eap-basic-s2i template using CONTEXT_DIR kitchensink) EXEC: Create a server adapter for the application. ASSERT: There is a J2EE module for the application under the OS 3 server adapter. EXEC: Select J2EE module. EXEC: Opens context menu Show In - Web Browser. RESULT: Localhost is opened. EXPECTED RESULT: Route is used to determine URL of an application and its opened.

      When selecting Show In - Web Browser from context menu of Java EE module under an OpenShift 3 connection, it opens a localhost, what is wrong (it does not use root). Such module can be e.g. jboss-kitchensink when using application based on eap s2i template with param CONTEXT_DIR kitchensink.

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
