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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-21843

CDK Poller always fails on OSX


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.3.1.CR1, 4.4.0.Alpha1
    • 4.3.1.CR1
    • cdk
    • None

      Starting the CDK on OSX always fails. Whether it was already started from CLI or not.
      The vagrant up command is properly executed, you can see the output in the console, but it ends up with a message "Server CDK Server Adapter at localhost failed to start."

      I traced the problem back to:

      VagrantPoller.parseOutput(String[]) line: 220	
      VagrantPoller.onePing(IServer, String) line: 160	
      VagrantPoller.onePing(IServer) line: 138	
      VagrantPoller.getCurrentStateSynchronous(IServer) line: 114	
      CDKLaunchController$2.run() line: 222	

      In parseOutput, the value of lines is :
      [1457536005,,error-exit,Vagrant::Errors::ProviderNotUsable,The provider 'virtualbox' that was requested to back the machine\n'cdk' is reporting that it isn't usable on this system. The\nreason is shown below:\n\nVagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed.\nVagrant uses the `VBoxManage` binary that ships with VirtualBox%!(VAGRANT_COMMA) and requires\nthis to be available on the PATH. If VirtualBox is installed%!(VAGRANT_COMMA) please find the\n`VBoxManage` binary and add it to the PATH environmental variable.]

      this is not properly parsed as it later goes into this block

      		Collection<VagrantStatus> stats = status.values();
      		if( stats.size() == 0 ) {
      			return IStatus.ERROR;

      And the message in the lines is lost completely

            rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
